October, 2023
Non-fiction book about human health and the environment
Seeking books similar to The Inheritors by William Golding…
Seeking books similar to The Inheritors by William Golding
Looking for a history of the Iroquois, specifically about the 5 nations.
Can I read Hamnet and Circe without having any idea about Greek mythology?
Post-apocalyptic books with a focus on serenity/beauty of the environment?
Got done reading Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow as well as a song of achilles. Any recs to follow up on these two?
Are there any Sci fi books written as a “history book”?
Have you ever read a book where you hated the journey but loved the destination?
A contemporary novel situated in Siberia
Communicating your views on the book effectively
Western expansion in America non-fiction
Books on how to be assertive and level headed and can make a decision without being indecisive all the time
Short stories for book club/discussion
Just finished Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy.
What are some good books for a couples’ book club?
Books like Rabbits from Terry Miles? (with Italian translation if possible)
Looking for good horror books
Non-spicy but full of tension romance book
Infinite Jest and the Godfather Parallels