October, 2023
Spin by Robert Charles Wilson – a modern science fiction classic for the non-Scifi reader
Seeking Book Recommendations for Dealing with Loneliness and Unrequited Feelings
What are some of the craziest titles you’ve ever seen?
Books that are more about the atmospheric setting or the plot than the characters?
Detective Mysteries
Beginner drawing books
LGBT Grimdark Sci-fi or Dark Fantasy with no happy endings?
Books like Mexican Gothic, In the woods and The death of a bookseller
Suggest me a medical thriller.
Libro.fm CEO Mark Pearson…. Connection to Pearson Publishing?
Are all cozy books either mysteries or romances? suggest me some contemporary cozies
Good fantasy romance or adventure duologies?
Looking for a (may be high school level) book on Oceanography, how ocean temperatures influence weather patterns on land, have influenced trade in the past, preferably with pictures. Thank you.
Books that were adapted into a TV series that you enjoyed?
Help! Book club conundrum
Reading Killing Commendatore
main character falls in love with reader
A melancholy romance with beautiful writing?
Suggest me a book with a mountain cabin/cabin in the woods setting