November, 2023
Travel books?
Favorite “Book-Only Genres”
Modern Philosophie
Students hated ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Their teachers tried to dump it. (Washington Post, gift article)
Extremely positive books?
What are some good books on the Gnostic Christians?
Indigenous Philosophy Suggestions?
Suggest me a book where the MC is the villain
Suggest a book for my next read, please!
Suggest me a non-fiction book on WW1 and beyond that is not extremely impersonal
Fake autobiography/ biography
Poetry for beginners
About the psychology of entitlement on a geopolitical scale
Has anyone here read “Leaving the world” by Douglas Kennedy, what are your thoughts?
How did The Lord of the Rings become a secret weapon in Italy’s culture wars?
Follow on to Aubrey / Maturin by Patrick O’Brien
Need a book idea..
what books can help me get more into reading?
Plot twists