November, 2023
Family dramas with business intrigues
Help me find an older book
Ask an American: did people from the North generally feel less affected by the civil war than people from the South?
Nuclear SF
Looking for feel good books or funny books
book suggestions for a 7 year old?
Pod by Laline Paull
Wanting to pick up reading as a hobby, looking for fantasy genres
Lonely female leads with massive psych issues?
Looking for Objective Non-Fiction Books That Best Describes the History and Events That Lead to the Current State of the Middle East (esp. as it relates to Israel and Palestine)
Book Recommendations
A serious book with a somewhat happy ending
Reading books in foreign languages
If you can’t fix it, you gotta stand it
Authors with similar prose style to Stephen King’s!
Looking for something with animal familiars
What are some books that take place in 12th century Anatolia (or Persia/any surrounding area)
Is there any illustrated book of Battle of New Orleans that shows map and color pictures?
Poetry, where to start?
Novels with strong locations, focusing on upbringing and life’s struggles