November, 2023
How to find favorite authors?
Over the Top Action and Gore
Books for Overcoming Social Anxiety
Trying to find books to buy for my mom
Any quick horror reads that creeped you out?
Books with characters that are writers, librarians, or anything that does something that is related to books and publishing, especially the new ones, are automatically unqualified for me for a perfect rating.
Sapphic books without a heavy romance focus?
Looking for books that are about a child who has grown and is searching for their estranged father.
Books that have a similar character dynamic to Catherine and Peter in The Great
Recommend Me Some Weird Books
The bone season (Book 1 rewritten) help
Any fast to middle-paced gripping reads you recommend?
YA or Adult books like Hatchet by Gary Paulsen and Lost in the Barrens by Farley Mowat?
Looking for a web novel I used to read and can’t seem to find it.
Psychological thriller that’ll blow my mind
Please help me find this book
Need help finding a picture book about regular cars
Books that deal with the topics of grief and moving on
Horror Book Beginner