November, 2023
Books about mental illnesses
a poetry book that spoke to you, made you feel something, had an impact on you
A thriller with a middle aged cop/detective/agent who is brilliant and calm but knows how to fight
That takes place in Switzerland
Looking for something from or inspired by Japanese culture
Detective series
Book Review:
Hot vampires that aren’t YA
Just finished Britney’s memoir and I need more!!!
Victorian Fiction about pregnancy
Book about troubled musician
Best Biography on Jackie Kennedy
Fantasy / sci-fi books that don’t have any brutal descriptions of violence. In the vein of Harry Potter but more philosophical
E-book reader but wanting physical copies
A light hearted book to read in-between high fantasy (preferably autumn themed.)
Sci-fi books with comedy
What should I read next based on my last favorite and least favorite reads?
Can a book be hilarious ?
Favorite spy/espionage books?
Can’t Find a Book from my childhood