November, 2023
Looking for books similar to James Bond or the Metal Gear Solid games
To Kill a Mockingbird book with movie scenes clips (corresponding to movie and chapters)
Almost finished blue eye samurai
Would you read this?
Flora Guide for Ohio
recommend sci fi novels with super-soldiers
In dire need of something like red rising…..
kidnapper thinks their victim is their child.
Looking for a book on good writing tips
Book about turtles
Should I be direct about the need for a published book to be edited?
Looking for a definitive comprehensive history of Israel and Palestine
Looking for a definitive comprehensive history of Israel and Palestine
Please suggest children’s storybooks
I plan on reading all these but which should I start with? Give input if you have read any of them!
suggest me a book about social moderators
Book that ACTUALLY changed your life?
slight confusion on ‘we were liars’ *not sure if it’s spoiling anything but we’re being cautious!*
Books about Combat experiences
Fiction books about the behavior of animals