November, 2023
Favorite speculative fiction book?
that made you think: “I can’t believe I didn’t know about this sooner!”
Please recommend a book for my girlfriend
Medieval or Victorian type horror books?
LF Short Memoirs, Will Also Take Fantasy and Good Middle Grade
Looking for a non academic non fiction book on fear
I need a book that feels like babel.
Books that shows the nuances of being a Vampire!
Need a book that feels like babel.
Continuing book after author dies?
best winter thrillers/horror?
any middle grade mystery books set in winter?
Suggestions foe moderate difficulty chapter books for my young daughter who is a voracious reader?
Anyone else?
The Secret Life if Bees rereading
Children’s scary short story anthology
How are people so confident AI won’t ruin the book industry?
What was a book that actually comforted you when the pandemic first hit?
Romance books with a young, straight, male main character?
Historical Fiction