Year: 2024
January, 2024
Movies and Books
Which is your favourite book
Thriller recs
What did you think of Verity by Colleen Hoover…and why did you hate it?
Are there any resources that explores the evolution of symbols during times of crises/conflicts?
I’m a Christian who loves learning about other religions. Anyone have any book recommendations that cover the beliefs and/or history of other religions/spiritual belief systems?
Good books for 13-14yr olds?
Romance novels that are actually good and not too trashy, but still sweet
Looking for books where the characters have powers but there is also some romance.
Something smut-ish… but no/low romance?
Mysteries with a journalist/reporter as the protagonist?
I just finished The Orphan Train
book about pet grief
book about pet grief
ISO Alternate history books (not Man in the High Castle)
“Day in the life” type books? Ancient egyptian, or ancient hunter-gatherer tribesperson
Suggest a light book, maybe a “beach or summer read”
Computer Science/Computer Engineering
Lonesome Dove is recommended all the time on Reddit