Year: 2024
March, 2024
Books to understand Russia and it’s people
Recommendations for your favorite historical fiction or magical realism?
Is there any books about improving certain areas in my life?
Books with dragons in the main cast
Looking for books where I can learn about a lot of different things
Middle Grade/YA nonfiction
Out of books
A friend who is into non fiction needs convincing about why fiction is amazing and that one should try. Suggest me a book?
books that sound like bohemian rhapsody by queen?
guys pls tell me some good sci-fi books related to consciousness and cognition or psychology (basically related to the brain)
Any suggestions for cybersecurity books
Book Suggestions for 13 year old boy
Suggestions for classic books that are very “even”?
Book/Author suggestions for a fan of Charles Dickens
Book recs where the MC does something bad to get his goal
Looking for books set in isolated communities/islands. No ya. And prefer non fiction or at least based on true stories/true events
Middle Grade/YA nonfiction
Looking for a book on self-compassion
Suggest the most to the point book about developing health and immunity