Year: 2024
October, 2024
Fantasy Book/book series recommendation
Suggest me a book about being replaced by doppelgängers
Looking for Secret Identity Male Lead Novels
Looking for suggestions
This book has wrecked me completely & I’m only halfway through it!
Suggest me books based off my teenagehood faves?
My turn to pick for book club
Any mystery books where investigators must act out a crime scene or a investigator with psychic abilities?
I have 3 audible credits
Halloween-fitting books that made you laugh
Please suggest me the most boring/ worst books you have ever read
reading slump
Good books on conversation between 2 people
Does the book called “Hidden Time Wealth” actually exist?
Thoughts about the cruel prince book
The 48 laws of power is extremely misunderstood
I didn’t understand Little Altars Everywhere by Rebecca Wells
LF Fantasy w/ Lots of Tension
Narrative science books
One Day is a book about flawed people, and that’s a good thing.