Month: September 2024
September, 2024
Horror Book Suggestions/Kindle
Suggest me a book with great trans rep!
A high fantasy book with a choosen one or a prophet on his journey to become something incredible
Just looking for your favs – a want to be reader here who doesn’t know her genre style!
books for teenagers without romance?
Biographies from the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Engaging audiobook on Russian history?
Books for (adult) children of alcoholics?
Recommendations for a book similar to Viktor Frankl “man’s search for meaning”?
Suggest a novel set in 1880s Israel/Palestine?
Suggest a book to help get out of a reading slump
Suggest good one-off sci-fi/mystery from the past 2 decades
Any book recs on catering and upscale hors do’euvres?
James Patterson’s Bookshots
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
Suggest me the book you couldn’t put down that made you cry that is just the best unspecific thing.
contemporary romance, not fantasy
Suggest me books involving witches