Month: August 2024
August, 2024
Authors of different genres that write a lot of shorter, fun books?
Best books by John Muir, Aldo Leopold or similar authors?
Suggest me dystopian, post apocalyptic, or general sci-fi fantasy!
Suggest me a book (or a collection of books) that would be invaluable in post apocalyptic world
Any books for stoners?
Series that have massive cliffhangers between each book?
Books similar to Margaret Atwood’s NON science fiction books, that are not too traumatising
Favorite Books with Friends: August 2024
Suggest me a book where it refers to history
Book recs? Which one?
A book that may change my perspective on people/life…
Suggest me a book that will hook me in
Books with the most devastating/tragic male friendship?
I want to buy my friend a great book because she got me back into reading.
Favorite Novellas or short books (less than 250pgs)
Looking Fairy Tale Character Books
Books like the TV show Rectify
Looking for insane, crazy books.
Suggest a book by emojis
My birthday is coming up and I want to splurge on books. Drop Recommendations 🤩