Day: August 6, 2024
August, 2024
Mountaineering / camping / hiking
Suggest me a book like the movie Tremors
Psychotic chaotic memoirs?
Suggest me a book with a male protagonist and subtle romance.
Any book suggestions about a woman disguising herself to go to war??
Books revolving around sick/ disabled mothers or mothers dealing with memory loss
Animal Society? Emphasis on Nature?
Book recommendations
Get me out of my reading hole
What is an author whose writing style you either spoils you forever or will make you resent the whole book?
Book suggestion for anyone trying to find their life’s purpose
Is there a mystery that is solvable?
A book where the story is told over and over but every time a different person becomes the main character and new details are added to the plot we already knew.
Fantasy recommendations
White oleander vibes
Any books similar to Louis L’amour’s Fair Blows the Wind?
Any books out there about longshoreman?
Suggest me fiction with a main character who gets in way over their head
Books with an underlying conspiracy or dark hidden past that is hinted at throughout