Month: July 2024
July, 2024
A book on Roman History for a non-history reader.
Mythological no fiction multicultural
Book recommendations
Nonfiction books for teen sexual abuse victims
Suggest me a book like Dredge
Hoping to find a fake dating romance
Adult version of The Magic Thief?
Novel suggestions from the 90’s (by British authors)!!
What’s a book that helped you get through to the other side of a bad mental health period?
Recommend me a book on white genocide theory, great replacement, and mass migration
Recommend me a book on Puerto Rico and US’s colonization of the island.
Books on mass media
Thriller readers help!
Can you recommend some great sci-fi novels with positive socialist overtones or themes?”
Recommendations for non fiction, political books on the shortcomings of Centrism?
Fantasy book where the stakes arent so high
Dark reads
Surrealism Please
Books about losing someone
Gripping thrillers