Month: July 2024
July, 2024
Female Main Character in the FBI/CIA/Police Force/Etc. With Some Romance That Is Lesser Known
Suggest me a book with an antagonist/villain that pisses you off
Suggest me a dark romance mafia novel i.e. underrated
What’s the shortest books you’ve ever read?
Summer reads
Philosophy story novels recommendations (even non-overt books)
Good Autumn 🍂 book recommendations?
Suggest me lesser known classics that are worth reading
How do you decide whether to continue a series?
Liking “The Catcher in the Rye” isn’t an automatic red flag – the importance of personal interpretation
Trying to read YA fantasy but…
Unintentionally good villian
Fantasy books if you liked Kaiju No 8?
Requesting suggestions of non-fantasy “coming of age”
Any books similar to and then there were none?
Alien/paranormal/creature/gory-suspense fiction recommendations
Suggest me books about best post modernist/post structuralist architecture buildings
What’s a good book with monsters?
Looking for historical fiction reccomendations based on genocide
Can you really have a “private” reading session in public (without disruptions) by reading a non-English book published in another language that does NOT use the Latin alphabet or Cyrillic?