Month: July 2024
July, 2024
War memoirs/books
suggest a read for me
Horror book recommendations!
The Wicked Witches of Coventry
Books that feel like Exurb1a’s “and then we’ll be okay”
Beautiful, Dark Book
Book Recs based on previous reads. Please!!! Thank you!
In love with Abercrombie. In search or other just-as-fantastic reads
Suggest me books about people descending into madness? Prefer first person PoV’s.
In which order should I read these three: Ulysses, Gravity’s Rainbow, and Infinite Jest?
Book club!
Suggest me a book with a huge age difference between friends (no fantasy)
Suggest me a book that gives Supernatural circa 2005-2010 vibes!
Are there any books like these?
Books about how life will never go back to how it was
Suspensful Crime Drama
Suggest me a book based on previous books that I have read
suggest me a war memoir about the great war
Books with trans or nonbinary character who is navigating adulthood?
Fantasy series suggestions