Month: July 2024
July, 2024
Books for fans of teen fantasy
Which Chuck Pallahnuck book to start my fiancee on?
Which Chuck Pallahnuck book to start my fiancee on?
Suggest Me a Summer Read
(Romance) novels where the main character has endometriosis
(Romance) novels where the main character has endometriosis
Suggest me a fantasy book heavy on tactical warfare
Suggest me a nonfiction book about genocide
Non fiction psychology or investigative journalism books?
Non fiction psychology or investigative journalism books?
Has there ever been a book series that gradually goes from a fantasy-based setting into a sci-fi-based setting?
Suggest me a confronting, mind-opening book about eroticism
Suggest me a confronting, mind-opening book about eroticism
Suggest me a confronting, mind-opening book about eroticism
The curse of influencer publishing
Romance Novel you’d recommend for Men
Suggest me a book with a pair of mcs being opposite archetypes and at each other’s throats.
Romance novel with an external conflict?
Looking for a good romance, preferably LGBTQ+!