Browsing: Book Suggestions
October, 2023
Books similar to Stephen King
Novels in which the male mc is the only one who has a magical power or magical item
Book about a teenage boy who has to take care of younger siblings while trying to survive from a threat
Sci-fi or fantasy books with a focus on exploration.
Suggest me some mystery Novels that came out in the 70’s and 80’s
Weird question
Suggest me a book whose MC or love interest is a busker/street musician
Suggest me a book about a stand-off between two brilliant minds
Dark fantasy/horror suggestions?
Looking for books focusing on queer people’s history and sociology
Top _ books most relevant to the 21st century
M/M (gay) Furry/human romance book? (But not really furry. Read post for more info)
Looking for half-memoir/half reported books
Books about childhood/adolesence?
Suggest a short read
Suggest me a thought-provoking novel with a lowkey depressing or dark atmosphere
Suggest me a book abt the history of Israel and Palestine conflict
Spicy Fantasy Books
Need suggestions for a book on pulling yourself up from a broken heart
Looking for good pirate books