Browsing: Book Suggestions
October, 2023
A collection of short stories or essays to read in the morning
Can someone recommend a fantasy romance book that doesn’t revolve around the smut?
Do you have to read the Shadow and Bones series before you start with Six of Crows?
Book for 11 yo boy
Once upon a broken heart
Does anyone know a good near future space survival book similar to the Martian?
Subtle, abstract, deliberate, and evocative
Need Book Recommendation for ‘high-end book review’
Fantacy books kind of like Bartimaeus and Eragon
What are some of the best crime/psychological thriller books?
Books about Greek and Egyptian mythology
I’m looking for books with truly omniscient narrators, does anyone have any favourites they could share?
Books about dealing with repetitive negative thoughts
Any sci-fi settings with a fantasy tone?
Books like Heaven and Earth by Paolo Giordano
Could you recommend me books about poverty?
Suggest me a book about White Collar Work/Office Culture
What’s that one book in your reading list that you really wanted to start reading but cannot?
Classic Fantasy with good politics
Book about Bad Faith discussion tactics