September 2024
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    I have seen lots of suggestions about this but I wanna get more input if its actually as great as people are saying

    The pedestal for it currently is so enormously high from what I have read that when I read it I might go in with low expectations

    Tell me your thoughts on it

    by danlhart8789


    1. It’s just very self-aware and honest. A good story if you enjoy mental health journeys. I truly enjoyed it, but my mind wasn’t blown or anything

    2. Unusual-Historian360 on

      It’s _very_ good but depressing.

      I suggest listening to the audiobook because McCurdy narrates it herself and it’s incredibly well done. Being able to hear the emotions in her voice really adds to the experience.

    3. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      Is it the best memoir I’ve read. No, far from it. But it is good. It feels honest and vulnerable. I’ve read plenty of celebrity memoirs that are mostly worth reading because they’re famous and we like to read about famous people. I think McCurdy’s memoir could stand on its own without her game, the story of her relationship with her mom is one a lot of people can relate to and she does a good job of telling it in all its complexity

      I also suggest the audiobook. I think hearing it in her voice helps.

    4. I really enjoy memoirs and I liked this one! I had no idea who she was, didn’t watch her show or anything, but I thought I’d give it a shot based on the good reviews. I’m glad I did! I liked her writing style and it kept my interest.

    5. treesarethebomb on

      Okay, so it’s not going to do your dishes and give you a six-pack or anything. It’s just that many celebrity memoirs are kind of meh, and some of them are only interesting if you like the celebrity in question. McCurdy turns out to be a really fantastic writer when we aren’t expecting that from a young former-child-star. And her own voice on the audiobook is terrific, she just pulls you in. She talks, obviously, about her issues with her mom, and it never comes across as though she’s trying to convince you to feel sorry for her, nor does it sound like she’s pissed off at the world. It’s just sort of reflective and mature and honest, which leaves the reader satisfied and completely on her team.

      All that to say that it’s not mindblowing but it’s certainly one of the best memoirs out there, in my opinion.

    6. blueberry_pancakes14 on

      I really enjoyed it. It’s very honest and she’s clearly self-aware.

      I’m too old to have watched the show (I was a junior in college when the show started), so I didn’t know really anything about her going in, but it didn’t matter.

      Mind blowing- no. Good and worth reading if you are interested in memoirs at all, yes.

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