October 2024
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    1. Legitimate-Record951 on

      I personally liked **White Trash Zombie**. There’s also **Zombies and Shit** by Carlton Mellick III which I honestly haven’t read, but he’s always good fun.

    2. The Ex-Heroes series by Peter Clines is fun and has good characters. It’s superheroes and zombies.

    3. The girl with all the gifts

      My personal favourite zombie piece of media and one of my favourites books of all time

    4. FeedbackSpecific642 on

      Many years ago I started reading The Walking Dead comics and became a huge fan. This was many years before the TV show btw. If you can get your hands on the collected “graphic novels” and read them in order. I turned a lot of people on to them who hadn’t read a comic in years.

    5. Handling the Undead, by John Lindqvist. Great story, well-developed characters, and it’ll tug on your heart strings.

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