October 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. As a personal shopper, I totally get where you’re coming from. At the end of the day, everyone has their own preference when it comes to absorbing content. Personally, I think listening to [audiobooks](https://wydgetlabs.com/?red=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fdp%2Fs%3Fk%3Daudiobooks%3F%26tag%3Damznwydget-20%26linkCode%3Dur2%26creative%3D9325%26th%3D1%26language%3Den_US) definitely counts as “reading” a book. You’re still consuming the same story and gaining knowledge, just in a different format. Don’t feel guilty – you’re still getting all the benefits of reading!

    2. It’s different for me personally because I can focus easier on reading than on listening, but it really doesn’t matter how you chose to consume books. Do what you enjoy.

    3. It’s a different experience but it absolutely counts as reading a book. There’s no need to feel guilty. You’re still enjoying the stories, or learning from non-fiction, just in a different format.

    4. They’re different experiences, but I don’t think one is superior to the other. I enjoy reading in the morning and afternoon, and love to listen to audiobooks when I lie down. Audiobooks have given me a such respect for voice actors/narrators too. A good narrator can do so much for a text.

      I do prefer text when it comes to denser histories with lots of names, places, dates, political maneuvers, laws, etc.

    5. They are obviously different experiences. But once upon a time, all stories were transmitted through speech and not text. No one looked down on oral storytelling then.

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