October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Lately, due to some clinical conditions, every time I try to read a novel, I tend to get a feeling that I should finish it as fast as possible and in some cases I jumped to the ending or even watched some youtube video/summary of the book to be done with it. For some reason, the book feels like a "weight" in my mind and I can't get free of it until I finish.

    The same cannot be said about short stories. I've been enjoying them more and more, and the fact that they have a beggining and ending that you can get in something like 1 or 2 hours in the longest/more detailed ones makes me very eager to read them.

    So, here are some collections that I loved:

    • The Aleph and Fictions – Jorge Luis Borges;

    • After The Quake and Other Stories – Haruki Murakami

    • Both of Ted Chiang collections;

    • Pretty much everything by Lovecraft, Raymond Carver, George Saunders and Alice Munro;

    My single favorite stories are: Story of Your Life (Ted Chiang), The Jaunt (Stephen King), Runaway (Alice Munro), Stone Mattress (Margaret Atwood), UFO In Kushiro (Haruki Murakami), Cash To A Killing (Manuel Gonzales), The Egg (Andy Weir), Funes the Memorious (Jorge Luis Borges), Guts (Chuck Palahniuk).

    In general, I LOVE weird stuff. I don't mind if the ending of the story is not perfectly clear, and in fact if there are some short story writers that bring some atmosphere similar to David Lynch, I'd love it as well, but any recommendation is very welcome!

    Also, forgot to mention before, but I love reading essays/comedic books like David Foster Wallace (Consider The Lobster) and David Sedaris (Dress Your Family In Corduroy And Denim) as well, so really, anything goes.

    by NoHayMusica


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