October 2024
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    I'm 35% done with Stephen King's The Stand and I'm not sure if I want to finish it. This book is much longer than most books that I read and I typically stick with science fiction or fantasy similar to Gaiman. I knew very little about the book when I started reading, other than the fact that it came highly recommended. I assumed that the first half of the book was just setting up an antagonist in Randall Flag, but I can't say that I've exactly enjoyed what I've read so far. Is the best yet to come or should I move on to something more my style?

    by RixenFreckle


    1. The second half is very different, more supernatural. I loved the first half but didn’t finish the second half. Maybe you are the opposite?

    2. The first half is the best half in my opinion. If you’re not enjoying the story and characters by this point I don’t think it’s worth continuing.

    3. GreenAppleSeas on

      I would say that it does get more Gaiman-esque in the last third or so, but that if you’re several hundred pages in and not enjoying it yet it may just not be for you. The Stand happens to be on my short list of favorite books of all time but just because lots of people love it doesn’t mean you have to.

    4. mind_the_umlaut on

      I love it, I’ve read it several times. Be sure you’ve got the original edited version, not the unedited ‘full’ version King released later. Stick with it for awhile longer.

    5. I have read 48% and I dont wanna countinue. I took a break and finished the graveyard apartment instead. Dont think I will go back to the stand. Its tooo much with nothing happening, so boring to read. The first part when shit start to hit the fan was super interesting, to be there at the start of the pandemic. But then it became a drag when it went over to the surviving part lol. Now im reading a scifi book called “places in the darkness “

    6. I love this book but as a life long voracious reader I strongly believe it’s fine to quit in the middle if the book isn’t holding your attention. After all, unless you’re 17 years old in AP English, reading fiction is supposed to be fun.

      If you want to give Stephen King another shot, maybe try Under the Dome. Or if shorter is your thing, he has a lot of good short story compilations.

    7. AnyWhichWayButLose on

      I stopped too. The guy just meanders. Yes, Steve, he likes Bruce Springsteen. You don’t need to write a whole page about it.

    8. Life is too short to read books we don’t like. We all should DNF way more often. I give every book 100 pages and if I’m not in yet I jump ship.

    9. I loved the stand but felt what you’re feeling with IT. Just drop it if you don’t enjoy it. Also both those books are like 1000+ pages it’s not worth boring yourself with it

    10. I love this book, I’ve read it at least three times. However, different strokes for different folks. If you’ve read 35% of it, and you are not enjoying it,  it’s not for you, find something else you like!

    11. No. Life is too short for books you aren’t enjoying. Maybe go back to it later if you feel like it.

    12. Most-Artichoke6184 on

      It’s one of the best books ever written, but sure, give up because it’s long.

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