September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to get into the world of reading, classic literature, everything. However, I am not used to reading and my attention span as of now is pretty bad. So, I have decided to start w small reads. I don’t have a preference but i would like a read which moves you in a way, maybe changes your perspective, if you get what i mean.

    Considering that, can you recommend me a book from the ones below to start with? These short read books are available in the book store near my place:

    1.  Aesop - The Dolphins, the Whales and the Gudgeon
    2.  Fyodor Dostoyevsky - White Nights
    3.  Geoffrey Chaucer - The Wife of Bath
    4.  Katherine Mansfield - Miss Brill
    5.  Mary Kingsley - A Hippo Banquet
    6.  Hans Christian Andersen - The Tinder Box
    7.  Thomas Nashe - The Terrors of the Night
    8.  Anon - Three Tang Dynasty Poets
    9.  Elizabeth Gaskell - The Old Nurse’s Story
    10. Fyodor Dostoyevsky - White Nights (Multiple copies appear)
    11. Robert Louis Stevenson - Olalla
    12. Fyodor Dostoyevsky - White Nights (Additional copy)
    13. Richard Hakluyt - The Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Around the Whole Globe
    14. Herman Melville - The Maldive Shark
    15. Henry Mayhew - Of Street Piemen
    16. Johann Peter Hebel - How a Ghastly Story Was Brought to Light
    17. Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal
    18. Pu Songling - Wailing Ghosts
    19. John Ruskin - Traffic
    20. Anon - The Saga of Gunnlaug Serpent-tongue
    21. Gerard Manley Hopkins - As Kingfishers Catch Fire

    Or any other apart from the ones above

    by Naive_Negotiation568


    1. Postingatthismoment on

      I think if you aren’t used to reading, you should start with popular fiction that is meant to be an easy read, not Dostoevsky.  Hit up a library’s best seller section.  

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