September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know this sounds weird but bear with me for a second. I like stories about children being in unusual situations and technically a lot more powerful than the adults in that story. But they're still under someone else's thumb because they're still children, you know?

    Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White is one of my favourite books currently and the main character has essentially been turned into a weapon too. I really liked how the character eventually managed to use that strength to fight for himself. I'd like something like that. Also I just like children being part of the main character roster and I'm always up for a good parental-figure-to-freakishly-powerful-child relationship.

    Please recommend me books you think fit what I just described. Thanks in advance!

    by Diligent_You5982


    1. One_Engineering8030 on

      Firestarter by Stephen King.

      The girl with all the gifts by Mike Carey

      The second book I mentioned is the situation where the child is not explicitly, or intentionally turned into a weapon, but sort of becomes one on their own accord and is a bit of an interesting story. I enjoyed it quite a bit and I do not normally like one of the particular genres that this one falls into.

    2. I don’t know if it’s exactly what you have in mind, but the Book of the Ancestor Trilogy (starting with Red Sister) by Mark Lawrence might appeal to you. It’s a darker take on the magical school concept where young girls are trained to be assassin “nuns”. It’s extremely good and the character-work is fantastic.

    3. Nevernight Chronicles by Jay Kristoff — Dark fantasy trilogy. About a 16-year-old girl trained as an assassin for a death cult from the age of 10. Also a queer protagonist, like Hell Followed with Us. She similarly has an important father-figure and eventually rebels against the cult.

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