September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Sometimes the world can get a bit depressing, so let's talk about some funny reviews you've seen!

    Have you ever read a review that just made you laugh, even if the book was a serious one? Maybe the book itself was funny and the reviewer simply matched that energy in their review, or the book was really bad and the reviewer burned it to the ground in a funny way, or maybe the review mentioned aspects of the book that made you think: 'Did we even read the same book?'

    The review that resulted in this post was from that last category. For context, on Storygraph, reviewers can add content warnings for the book to their reviews, and readers can see these warnings along with how many people included a certain warning, and when multiple people have used the same warning, you know it's more than likely actually in the book, but I like seeking out the warnings that only one or two people have commented, usually things that aren't really in the book anyway, and I look up their comment to see their justification.

    This particular content warning was on The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas, and the tag was 'sexism'. Now, I didn't think this book was sexist, like, at all. There is a lot of representation of different genders and sexes (the main character is a trans boy, there are multiple trans and non-binary characters, the women are always treated as equal to the men, personal stengths play a big part in the story and both men and women are have their own strengths and weaknesses) and I genuinely couldn't think of anything sexist happening in this book. So I checked out the comment this content warning came from, and no offense to the reviewer, but I thought it was really funny.

    The reviewer said that they found the dialogue to be sexist, mostly because of the frequent usage of the word 'douche', which, according to them, cannot be used in a way that's not derogatory, and this ruined their enjoyment of the book. Again, they are entitled to their own opinions and feelings, their review just confused me, as I never thought of 'douche' being a sexist insult. I know the origin and I can see how it originally started out as sexist (men don't like being called something related to vagina's), but I think it has been seperated from its origin enough to not be considered sexist anymore, especially since it's more of a gender neutral insult now. And if I remember it correctly, the three people in the book who use this word the most are two trans boys and a girl, and they use it towards a boy, a girl, and a non-binary person. So in context it's definitly not intended to be sexist!

    Anyway, I don't think this reviewer is wrong per se, but I just thought it was funny that they picked up on something that I would have never noticed.

    Are there any reviews like that you've read that were so different from your own reading experience that it just made you laugh? Or reviews that were funny for a different reason?

    by MaraMontenero


    1. BarkerAtTheMoon on

      Check out Mark Twain’s essay on the “literary crimes” of James Fenimore Cooper. It’s hilariously snarky, and is arguably better known than any of Cooper’s novels

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