September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I have a hard time finding more books that are like the ones I’ve enjoyed, but this seems like the best place to get recommendations.

    Here are some things I typically like in books:

    • Explorations of how humanity responds to things like dystopian collapse, mass death, futuristic technology, etc.
    • Multiple timelines
    • Speculative fiction
    • Well-developed sci-fi/futuristic stuff
    • Loosely connected multiple narrators
    • Time travel that follows the rule that you cannot change the past (everything is happening at once; time is a circle)

    Here are some titles I’ve enjoyed:

    • How High We Go in the Dark
    • Sea of Tranquility
    • Oryx and Crake (perhaps my favorite of all time, alongside Year of the Flood)
    • Cloud Cuckoo Land (especially loved Konstance on the Argos)
    • The Handmaid’s Tale
    • All the Light We Cannot See

    Books like the above list that I have read but not liked as much:
    – Klara and the Sun (was fine but not a favorite)
    – Station Eleven (is always recommended but I couldn’t get into it and got maybe halfway. May give it another try)

    I welcome your suggestions!

    by Acrobatic_Tax8634


    1. specificspypirate on

      If you’ve read Sea of Tranquility, you’ve got to read Station Eleven by the same author.

    2. Professional-Win-562 on

      the children of time series hits a lot of these things you like! exploitations of how humanity responds to collapse, multiple timelines later in the series, well developed sci fi, etc!

    3. This is also one of my top genres & have loved all the books on your lists 🙃

      Check these out:

      – The Three-Body Problem (1st book in a great series that also got made into a Netflix series): basically a hard sci-fi that explores humanities response to an alien invasion & has parallel perspectives.

      – The Peripheral by William Gibson: set in both near future America and a post-apocalyptic London that explores tech advancements, dystopian themes, and multiple timelines

      – Dark Matter by Blake Crouch: LOVEEEE this author. Super fast paced sci fi thriller that explores parallel universes and alternate realities. Themes: identity, choice, and the multiverse.

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