September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'd been going through a rough time and feeling invisible, alone, and alienated in a world of strangers who are just looking out for themselves.

    Started looking around for books that make me feel good, and give me cozy feeling of like being loved by others and cared for. Didn't care if it'd be fiction, nonfiction, or however long, something that gives you hope and a sense that you matter to people and make you believe that life may be tough but kind people exist and can help.

    Tried a couple of different types of books but wasn't able to get past the first few pages. They were either sugar-coated and dumbed down versions of reality or too self-helpy or just not to my taste.

    Then I had a strange reaction to a book that is not usually considered a feel-good book: To Kill a Mockingbird. I don't know what it is, I mean like the Southern way of life, that sense of family, an intelligent and caring father who took the time to teach his children about life and important values like justice and compassion…something about it really warmed my heart. I still go back to it and feel the same warm feelings I did upon first reading it. Even though it deals with serious issues and has some unpleasant and ignorant characters too, reading it continues to be an emotional resource.

    I continue my search for other books that I can go to at such difficult personal times, but I have now learned I might find them in places did not ever think to look.

    Also I decided to also ask what books other people find that have similar effects.

    by 314-pi

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