September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been in a big reading slump for a while, and while I’ve always loved reading I’ve found that as I hit my teens and 20s most books I tried were just depressing and miserable. So far, some of the best books I’ve read as an adult have been Galapagos and Sirens of Titan from Vonnegut, and Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins. I felt like they were fun and lighthearted in a sense, sarcastic and witty, and it captured a bit of the magic I remember being up at 2am with a flashlight reading as a kid. I tried The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by murakami and hated it. I’m hoping some readers here understand my request and have good suggestions! TIA

    by Acrobatic_Radish_481


    1. I’m following this one for suggestion because those are 2 of my favorite authors.

      What came to mind for me is Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. It’s really weird and funny and deep and energetic all at once somehow. Another one if you haven’t read it is A Scanner Darkly by philip k dick. I somehow didn’t read that until recently and it was enjoyable. Very bizarre

    2. funningincircless on

      Sacre’ Bleu, by Moore, a baker joins his hedonistic painter friends while being harassed by a mysterious paint salesman

    3. For novels check out Catch-22, Something Happened, or Good as Gold by Joseph Heller.

      You might enjoy the short stories of George Saunders. Check out Liberation Day or Pastoralia.

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