October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, still pretty new to reading, would love recommendations, I´ll describe what I've read, what I have enjoyed and what I just coulnd´t stand

    Eleantris by Brandon sandersons: had recommendations, heard it was good, did my best try to like it, hated it, stopped at 45%, extremely slow, lots of religion no action, the characters were not interesting for me

    Red rising saga: Loved every single page of it, can't wait for the next book, characters with deep development, lots of action, even enjoyed the 'slow' books, they all felt great to me

    Mistborn saga by Brandon Sanderson: Only read the first 3, really enjoyed the first one, not as much as red rising but it was starting to catch my attention when that finale happened, I just wish I stopped reading at book 1, the next 2 ruined the saga for me

    The will of the many: Loved this book as well, it grabbed my attention from page 1

    Forth wing: it was decent, not the best but not the worse

    Narnia saga: enjoyed it

    The sword of Kaigen: Fantastic book, I hope it was a saga and not just a stand alone book

    Poppy war: stopped at around 60%, a really good start but then it felt short for me, the gods and drugs part was just not for me I guess, the characters were good tho

    Any recommendation will be apreciated!

    by Zerok_95

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