September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Okay i remember reading these short stories on a book app by unpublished authors like Galetea app BUT… I can’t find the short stories anymore…. I remember them being sexual in them like -an author rents a cabin to clear her head and finish her novel but before long she hears and sees a loud explosion 💥 when a storm ⛈️ comes in and she meets an angel who can only come to earth for 6 months at a time so she winds up pregnant… in another story Tinkerbell can turn to human size and she always could but she didn’t want to and one time she tried to surprise Peter Pan and she finds him with Wendy already and so Tink runs off and Hook finds her But he says something like he’s always loved her and so they get together and she stays with Hook because she found she loved too……… so if anyone else has read these stories and could really use the help find them would be very helpful

    by Busy_Clothes8692

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