September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    fantasy is by FAR my favorite genre ever. I've read a lot of fantasy novels over the years, and I'm looking for something new. I won't list every book I've ever read, but here are a few notes:

    * the older the setting is, the better. I will read any time period from ancient civilizations to the 1900s, but I'm not looking for modern settings (the latest I'm looking for is like the 1930s).

    * I've read most of the classics. I loved Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, His Dark Materials, and a lot of Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, and Ursula LeGuin. I haven't tried anything by Brandon Sanderson yet, so maybe someone could suggest a good place to start with his books?

    * my favorite book of all time is The Last Unicorn. I want to write an essay about this book but I won't lol. I'll just say I loved the strangeness of it and the intense meaning I found in it. it jived perfectly with my brain and my heart. please don't think your suggestion is too weird, because TLU is pretty weird and I'm obsessed. I love abstract stuff.

    * my LEAST favorite book is Game of Thrones. it was like the opposite of TLU for me. I don't like gratuitous violence/sex/pessimism for the sake of trying to make things more realistic. it just…made me sad. I'm not trying to bash the book or people who like it; I'm just explaining that it very much was not for me.

    * the fantasy novels currently in my TBR pile are: Pillars of the Earth, Assassin's Apprentice, and The Ten Thousand Doors of January.

    * no YA please

    by therealhatman777

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