October 2024
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    1. The only thing they have in common is some of the names. The characters and motivations are different, and the show not only ignores book lore, it ignores their own lore.

      It is my favorite series of all time.

    2. ive only read the first two books but i couldnt stand the one or two episodes i watched of the tv show it was so completely different haha, the books ive read were a ton better than what i watched of the show

    3. Relevant_Albatross91 on

      Not really. I gave up about three quarters of the way through the series after 500 pages of one book and the plot not advancing at all.

    4. I can’t recommend it. The books have a great premise, but of the 15 books, I’d say the plot only advances in about 6 of them. There are huge swathes of books where nothing at all happens. Don’t waste your time.

    5. The tv show is at best inspired by the books. Depending on what you like about the show the books may or may not be for you. But you should know what you’re getting into … I started book one in Dec 2023 and I’m currently on book 11 of 14. I’m enjoying them but it will probably take me a year of regular reading (without really reading anything else) to finish the series.

    6. It was alright. WAY overhyped, but still mostly good. I have a hard time recommending it simply because of how long it is, but go for it as long as you know what you’re getting into.

    7. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      I’ve been listening to the audiobooks narrated by Rosamund Pike and she does such a phenomenal job with it that I absolutely love it. But I don’t know that I would love it as much if I was just reading them.

    8. nogovernormodule on

      I read the whole series just to do it. It’s fun – sometimes boring, sometimes deserving of an eye roll, occasionally beautiful. Lots of repeated phrases and quirks.

    9. freerangelibrarian on

      I started reading Wheel of Time but I gave up halfway through the fifth book. It would have been better as a trilogy.

      I found the characters pretty flat.

    10. Depends on what you may have liked about the show.

      The books are full of long flowery prose, have a complicated but interesting magic system, multiple pov characters and a chosen one plot where the prophecy of the chosen one doesn’t guarantee victory.

      The first book at least is also incredibly slow and comes across as heavily inspired by Tolkien. For example they don’t even get out of the Two Rivers for several chapters. Later books are paced a bit better but book one is a slow build up imho.

    11. non_clever_username on

      It depends what you want out of your fantasy series.

      If you love world-building and don’t mind that the plot moves at a deliberate pace, you might like it.

      I’m more impatient and couldn’t take hundreds of pages of basically nothing happening, so I dumped it.

    12. Do you typically love epic fantasy that is heavy on world building and magic systems? If yes, then yes.

      Imo, the first 3 books are fantasy classics. After that, the pacing slows a lot. It can drag. Jordan is also not known for writing women well, and that’s valid criticism.

    13. There’s kind of A LOT of it so I wouldn’t casually recommend it if you’re the kind of person who absolutely needs to read an entire series before being able to move on. But yeah I remember enjoying the first four or so back in the day.

    14. bigbysemotivefinger on

      I have personally picked up that series and dropped it several times. The world building is great, the plots are mostly good. My issue is that I find literally all of the characters increasingly insufferable as it goes on, and I’ve never managed to tolerate them far enough to finish it.

    15. I haven’t read it myself but I was once talking with one of my professors and I told her I was thinking about reading it and what she told me was that she gave up on it because nothing was happening

    16. Fine_Cryptographer20 on

      I read the books before the tv show came out and I enjoyed them. I also loved the tv show and thought it was beautifully filmed and true to the books. So if you don’t like the show, you probably won’t like the books.

    17. I loved the books, although with 14 of them, some were better than others. I only made it through the first episode of the TV series because the characters were “wrong” to me. Highly recommend but it is an investment in time. I took 9 months to read all of them.

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