September 2024
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    1. Dad-joking_mother on

      Try The Drift by C.J. Tudor. It checked the following boxes for me – ✅ zombies, ✅ post apocalyptic, ✅ killer grotesque virus, ✅ arctic survival – which are some of my favs. I listened to the audiobook and the story is told from different characters AND different actors so if you like audiobooks this is a good one. It’s definitely a new take on “the living dead” which as a zombie enthusiast I felt was new and surprising.
      You’ve definitely described my favorite tropes and I’ve really struggled to find good ones past The Drift so I’m interested to hear what others say. I did NOT like World War Z (the movie was waaaay better) -, but I did enjoy Brooks’ other book, Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Ranier Sasquatch Massacre if you’re into bigfoot.

    2. Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler reminded me a lot of that west coast spin off of WD, sorry don’t remember name. There’s a sequel as well. Really excellent.

    3. The_Last_of_the_Ket on

      WWZ, very fun novel, written as a series of interviews with survivors of “the zombie war”. It gives an in depth, realistic history of what a zombie apocalypse could look from a diverse set of perspectives.

      also its nothing like the piece of trash WWZ movie

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