September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For context I am a right wing religious person
    And İ started reading 1984 and İ am NOT happy with it.

    To be more detailed İ liked the first quarter where it was more about the world of 1984 and how things were happened.
    But after Winston met Julia everything started to suck.
    Their relationship didn't make any sense and it was bad.
    Them having sexual intercourse the moment they are alone is just shitty for me. The romance didn't feel real and it was too quick and unrealistic
    Julia using makeup and Winston liking it annoyed me a lot because I have always been against Makeup because I always thought as it were like lying.
    The meeting with O'Brien was a lot unrealistic.Them just communicating with looks and then O'Brien being a traitor in the inner party does not make any sense.İf he was from the secret police and used that moment to arrest them would make much more sense and İ would be satisfied.
    And Winstons memories sucked a lot too with the taking away chocolate and being an asshole stuff.
    İ hated every moment reading his memories and personal stuff.
    The book was good whenever it was about geopolitics until Winston got "the book".
    That just felt like socialist propaganda and a lot unrealistic with splitting the world to 3 powers and wars just existing to make the populace more poor just didn't make sense for me and stupid.

    But I liked the book whenever it was just describing the book and more about the geopolitics of it without the socialist elements.

    So now I am looking for a similar book but right wing, perhaps authoritarian even(fewer or none rebellious, lawless moments without morals)and preferably something more realistic.

    by Far_Canary_1597

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