September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m into more mystery maybe “murder” I guess you could say type of books, or horror. Also maybe a thriller. Something like that. I just finished #murdertrending and planning to get the other two books in that series, but can’t right now. Any other book ideas? Thanks! (Btw I’m a highschooler, so like my mom has to know what book I’m reading to let me read it, so if it’s something that has like “inappropriate” parts in it, than I probably won’t be able to read it.) Although #murdertrending has a couple gory parts and she was ok with that. Anyways sorry for yapping so much😭 Any suggestions?

    by PSGamer362


    1. One_Engineering8030 on

      I, robot by Isaac Asimov. That might be spelled wrong because I am using voice to text and I am blind, but U should be able to find it easy enough on Google and it checks all the boxes U need it is Science Fiction and it is also a detective novel And there’s nothing brutal or gruesome in it but it’s got an interesting set up and some interesting robot related rules and such.

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