September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is the first book I've read at King's. It is amazing that King's career could have ended there and only thanks to his wife he was able to move on. She even tweaked it at some points. And the book itself is good.

    The story tells about Carrie. A girl who is bullied by classmates, and her mother thinks she is the devil. One day she realizes that she has the ability to telekinesis and pyrokinesis.

    The book is divided into two time periods – before and after the incident. The most amazing thing is that this is one of those books by Stephen that can be fully described in two sentences. The after part is made quite interesting, in the form of excerpts from books and articles, and they enhance the intrigue of what happened that evening. And the before part is really sad. Carrie's story is about when help comes late, when a person thinks that a parent loves him in his own way and how society can create a monster out of a person. And the ending of the book is just devastating. I felt as if my soul had been sucked out of me.

    Throughout the book, I felt sorry for Carrie. She was just a good girl who was bullied by everyone because she was a "freak." I want her to be okay, and because of that, my heart was torn by what she turned into in the end. Her mother can go fuck herself. Let this mothers stay in books. I also like that there are people here who want to help Carrie and don't think she's "ugly."

    The author's writing style is good. We all know King. He likes to describe everything and everyone. Here's a story about that cafe, here's a story about that thing. We are already used to it and love it. I also like the way fictional articles are written, they feel just so realistic

    I like this book. She is such a dramatic book and about how society can turn an ordinary person into a monster (if you exclude the fact that Carrie possessed telekinesis and pyrokinesis).

    by mystery5009

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