September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I won’t say I’ve been ignorant to colonization or slavery but I feel like this book really went into a deep dive on its effects and sourced it incredibly well. It put things like “slavery was bad” into actual context rather than how we usually learn or hear about it as some thing that happened a long time ago and was bad for a usually non distinct group of people which had effects lasting today but which we rarely talk about.

    It also really painted a super clear image of how for those of us growing up in the global north still to this day benefit from the exploitation of Africa and Africans not just from the past but from those living and working there today.

    I feel as if there’s not even much i can do due to how engrained that exploitation is in our society and how it exploits the entire global south for us to live an unsustainable lifestyle. It feels like the only way to live an ethical life is to live one separated entirely from society i live in or to move to the global south.

    Has anyone had similar thoughts reading that book.

    by BryanAbbo


    1. CrazyCatLady108 on

      this book is on my TBR and i keep pushing it down because i know it is going to be a depressing read.

      was it emotionally difficult or was the information just new for you and thus jarring?

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