September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hi, i have a book review blog. most of the time, i can get away with not spoiling anything in my book review, i only reveal infos that was already given in the summary since its also present on the back of the book.

    but sometimes, i cant. For example, i was writing The Book Thief book review and cant help mentioning Death since he played as the storyteller.

    so im posting here to ask how would you like reading book review? With or without spoiler? do you mind reading spoiler?


    by Status_Pollution3776


    1. Instead of citing let’s say a big revelation for a character or deaths, you can say that character development is fully realised and that big plot points do matter and are hard hitting. Think of something that you have in your current review that spoils an actual storyline, and think very broadly as to what general umbrella that lies in. The character makes a decision that you didn’t see coming? Don’t say that it happens or that there are plenty of twists (which in itself is a spoiler if you say there are twists) but say that the story goes in a direction that you didn’t expect going into it.

      If you think that it’s a novel that you have to go into the story about, you can always put in a general review first and have a spoiler tagged 2nd portion that fully goes into detail

    2. As long as you preface a review with a big warning that there will be spoilers, do what you want.

      Personally, I loathe spoilers, so I wait to read those types of reviews until after I’ve read a book, when I’m looking for more of a discussion rather than to figure out if I want to read a book in the first place.

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