September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently, I started comparing the feelings when buying a book in an online store and the feeling of buying a book in bookstores. And I realized that there is nothing better than going to bookstores in search of books. It's so nice that it feels like I'm looking for the holy Grail.
    It is more convenient to buy a book online, if only because I do not need to look for an adult who can show a passport and 'buy' books. And the choice is much more extensive.
    But it's still nicer to go to bookstores, even though you have to drive an hour into the city to do it.
    And how would you like to buy books? To online stores or bookstores?

    by Elegant-Ad-1540


    1. Happy with either way. It’s great to be able to order the specific thing you want online and also great to wander around a bookshop finding stuff you wouldn’t have specifically gone looking for.

    2. Own-Animator-7526 on

      >… if only because I do not need to look for an adult who can show a passport and ‘buy’ books. 


    3. I love to buy a physical book anytime. But being a student on a budget and the convenience of the kindle. I end up using more ebooks. I plan to buy a lot more in the future though.

    4. CharacterEqual8461 on

      I love visiting bookstores when I travel! Stores like Powell’s in Portland are definitely a destination!

    5. Abebooks. You can get just about anything you want for under ten dollars. You can set the search filters to find the edition you want, so it’s super useful for completing sets. I’m working on James Bond right now

    6. Professional_Dr_77 on

      New releases = Amazon (I buy hardbacks so cheaper), however my first love is always used bookstores for vintage hard to find pieces for my collection

    7. Perhaps it’s my age – old – but serendipity doesn’t work for me online. I can scroll through a million possibilities without any of them reaching out and grabbing me, the way a random cover or blurb will do in a physical bookstore.

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