September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Question, I never read Harry Potter as a kid. Sort of interested in reading it now. Is it worth the read for the first time as an adult? I’m almost 30. Don’t want to waste my time but also don’t want to miss out if it’s something I’d really enjoy.

    by bly16


    1. It is definitely a book for younger audiences. If you enjoy reading those, go for it. But maybe buy them secondhand as the author is actively funneling her money into far right projects. If you don’t like younger books, maybe try The Scholomance Series by Naomi Novik. Similar magical school vibe but grown up writing and way deadlier plot circumstances.

    2. Personally I won’t revisit Harry Potter because one of the best part about the whole saga is it’s suspense and somehow I personally never enjoyed re-reading any suspense book if I know the suspense of it. But will recommend you to give Lord of the rings a try even if you have watched the films.  Tolkien writing will give you whole new experience. 

    3. I found, as I got older, that they didn’t hold up very well for me, especially when it came to the dialogue.

      I prefer the His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman or the Redwall series or the Hall Family Chronicles series

    4. fantasylovingheart on

      Honestly as someone who never read HP as a kid and tried to pick it up a few years ago because the whole Queen TERF business. It wasn’t worth it.

    5. I never read Harry Potter as a kid. Loved the movies. As an adult, I chose to listen to the audiobooks rather than read them, as they were written more for a younger audience. The audiobooks were great and I revisited them many times after I first listened to them.

    6. Previous_Injury_8664 on

      The first couple books don’t hold up as well as an adult, but I still really love the rest of the series. But I do realize that for me, part of that is nostalgia.

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