September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a modern Edith Wharton or Henry James!

    Would love something exploring modern aristocracy in the UK (a la Saltburn / Brideshead Revisited), modern New York elites (eg Fleishman is in Trouble, Free Food for Millionaires, Pineapple Street) or any other intriguing, rarefied contemporary setting.

    Nothing too commercial like Gossip Girl, Crazy Rich Asians or Lucy Foley. Ideally something with a bit of satire and social critique. Ideally contemporary fiction.

    by Interesting-Deer-918


    1. I don’t know if 80s is recent enough for you, but how about Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities?

    2. If you liked Fleishman, *Long Island Compromise* by the same author will resonate; very in the vein of satire

      *Same as it Ever Was* by Claire Lombardo is another recently published one that fits your prompt

      And while not a straight satire, *Trust* by Hernán Díaz has a lot to say about the idea of wealth and elites

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