September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi All, looking for a book suggestion for someone who normally enjoys reading fiction that takes place in Turkey, Middle East and Central-SouthAsia. Some of my favorite authors: Elif Shafak, Mohsin Hamid, Nadia Hashimi.
    I need a new book to help get me back on track to reading again. Thank you!

    by yosoycidro


    1. CosgroveIsHereToHelp on

      Do you know that Elif Shafak recently published a new novel? **There Are Rivers in the Sky**. Let me know if you’d like a link to a conversation about the book with her that took place at the Edinburgh International Book Festival last month. She is lovely.

      I also really love Adahf Soueif’s book **The Map of Love**.

    2. flowersandcatsss on

      You can try Orhan Pamuk’s books, Sabahattin Ali, Yaşar Kemal. I am Turkish and some of these writer’s books are translated to english. I would really recommend Madonna in a fur coat by Sabahattin Ali, it’s really a classic. Of you know Turkish I can recommend you more specific and underrated books.

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