September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Self-explanatory title – I'm loving everything about King's writing and I'm wondering where to go next. I know there is a large catalogue of work there so I'm eager to start compiling a list!

    by blurtstrennan


    1. This is the his best, imo. I am, however, reading his Dark Tower series which is a totally different genre and enjoying it. King’s books are hit-or-miss for me. Most of them are recommended to me and I hate them. The few I completed: The Green Mile (it was in serial format at the time I read them & LOVED), Different Seasons (okay), The Outsider (Good), It (okay), & The Dead Zone (okay). *Here lies my downvotes because I DNFed: Dreamcatcher, The Institute, Everything’s Eventual, & The Stand. I have read other time travel books and possibly the best I have read in this subgenre is Replay by Ken Grimwood. It’s not really time travel as much as Alternate Universes. Another similar book is Time and Again by Jack Finney. It was okay.

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