September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I find myself shaking my head at a book often because I don’t like the phrasing, the contrived storyline, the leaps, the incorrect explanations of things I know to be false, etc. I know I’m about to not finish the book. So, I skip to the end and read the last 30-40 pages to see if it ends up how I’ve imagined it.

    I feel guilty anytime I don’t finish or skip to the end. It doesn’t happen often, but I just did it for “Mad Honey”. Anyone else?

    by Minute_Pianist8133


    1. *whispering* I skip to the end even when I finish the book to make sure I don’t waste my time on a dumb ending and that the characters i care about make it to the end. I was burnt once by Divergent, never again.

    2. MulberryEastern5010 on

      I’ve only DNFed once, and it was just this past summer. I finally just concluded that I would never finish this book, no matter how much time I had or what format I chose, and I never thought about it again. I still haven’t even looked up the ending because I honestly don’t even care

    3. I usually power through, so when I DNF a book, it’s likely because I just don’t care what happens to the characters. When I decide not to finish a book, I stop right then and never look back!

    4. Wikipedia summaries are godsends for this. Sometimes I can find a summary online when there isn’t one. I’d prefer to get all the context for the ending than just reading the last few pgs.

    5. prettyokayfornows on

      i straight up just stop reading. i dont even go to the last chapter, instead i read spoilers from goodreads’ reviews. i have many NOs so this happens too many times. i think out of the 100+ books i have read this year, less than 15 i finished.

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