September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My brother is going on a trip to Greece. He loves ancient history and mythology. I was thinking of giving him a book as a present for his trip.
    He's going to Crete and Athens.
    It doesn't have to be only ancient Greece – just any suggestions for a good book set in Greece.

    by Usual_Tumbleweed5956


    1. BernardFerguson1944 on

      *Histories* by Herodotus.

      *Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae* by Steven Pressfield (fiction).

      *The Battle of Marathon* by Peter Krentz.

      *Anabasis* by Xenophon.

      *Xenophon’s Retreat: Greece, Persia, and the End of the Golden Age* by Robin Waterfield.

      *History of the Peloponnesian War* by Thucydides.

      *Life of Alexander* by Plutarch.

      *Crete: The Battle and the Resistance* by Antony Beevor.

      *The Cretan Runner: The Story of the German Occupation* by Giórgos Psychountákis.

      *Vasili: The Lion of Crete* by Murray Elliott.

      *From Ingleburn to Aitape: The Trials and Tribulations of a Four Figure Man* by Bob “Hooker” Holt, 2/3rd Australian Infantry Battalion, 16th Brigade, 6th Division, 2nd A.I.F.

    2. Programed-Response on

      The movie 300 is based on the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller

      The graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller is based on the novel Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield

      The novel Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield is based on The Histories by Herodotus.

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