September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It took me nearly 3 weeks to finish this book. I borrowed it in early September only to return it after trying to read but feeling unengaged. However, I don’t like leaving books midway and picked it up and pushed through.

    The plot is simple: A mysterious man who has a cabin in the woods is somehow behind the sudden death of two young women, and the disruption of sanity of a third.

    While I was intrigued by the mysterious death of Christina and Aubrey, the book did not deliver on the intrigue. The writing style played on the trite method of writing about the same people in two different time periods. But it failed.

    Other books that use this writing style successfully are Behind closed Doors by BA Paris and The Silent Patient by Alex Michealides.

    The plot of a mysterious man who learns mesmerism/ hypnotism from his psychologist father and somehow managed to kill two young women without repercussions was almost too far fetched for me to believe.

    Personally, I believed the writer talked about medication such as benzodiazepines tooooo much and I am always cautious about non medical professional writing about medicines and drugs and symptoms in works of fiction. The author describes klonopin withdrawal in extremely great detail, to the point where the reader wonders if the lead character is in fact mentally unstable. In my opinion the author focused on unduly on side effects of a medication and not much on the plot or the characters. The writer adds a stigma to using mental health medication, which I did not appreciate.

    Albeit the ending was satisfactory, and I enjoyed that. The narrator of the audiobook does a great job and was the only saving grace for this book for me!

    What did you think?

    by Background_Silver702

    1 Comment

    1. I just finished reading this one too. I found it disappointing too. Interesting idea, poorly executed.

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