September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just found what I consider a greatest book hack and I’m wondering if this was something book lovers were already doing. I discovered that Goodwill sells all paperbacks for $1 and hard covers for $2. So far I’ve found some really good authors, Dan Brown, James Patterson, Stephen King, Harlan Coben. Goodwill’s bookshelf is a bit disorganized, but for me it’s become a treasure hunt for interesting books.

    Do you guys have any of your own ways of getting good books for cheap?

    by Behuman_


    1. Most thrift stores sell books, yes. Libraries will also typically hold sales during the year where you can buy books quite cheaply.

    2. I have a buy/sell bookstore in my town. Books are usually 1/5 the price if you bring a book to give them.

    3. rainbowcanibelle on

      My local library usually does a books by the pound sale once or twice a year which is pretty awesome.

    4. Mountain-Mix-8413 on

      Not to be a downer about used books, but I always make a practice of putting them in a bag and sticking them in the freezer for a couple of weeks before reading them. Trust me, you don’t want to bring bed bugs into your home.

    5. SporadicAndNomadic on

      Does your town have a library system? Do they have a “friends of the library” bookstore? Around me, they take donations (so they aren’t ex-Library books) and sell most of them for a dollar. I constantly find great books, even some old first-editions there.

    6. Thrift stores are usually the best for cheap books. Used bookstores can be good, depending on what their vibe is. There’s one in my town that does a parking lot sale where you can fill a paper bag for $5, which is awesome. I also get them at yard sales and friends of the library book sales. Also people give me books a lot because I’m like everyone’s friend that reads. 🤣 It’s a good reputation to cultivate.

    7. I get books from Goodwill and a store on Ebay that has a buy-3-get-1-free deal. Most books are between $3-5.

    8. I haven’t been to a flea market/swap meet in a while but there used to always be people selling books super cheap.

    9. The public libraries in my town (Ottawa,Canada ) have a used book section and the prices range from $1 to $5.
      It’s interesting to see what’s on the shelves in different neighbourhoods.

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